2008年6月27日 星期五



書名 : 精解JAVA2

作者 : 袁葆宏 劉豐豪 吳建和

出版社 : 旗標

題目 : 陣列排序

原因 : 想多熟悉此類題目,能夠方便就整理出陣列的順序


書名 : 剖析JAVA程式設計

作者 : 廖榮貴 李正光 謝銘琪 許正憲 王龍發

出版社 : 金禾
題目 : 河內塔解法

原因 : 因為沒學過這種解法,所以挑選這題目來熟悉

網際網路應用系統設計 期末報告 電子四丙 9326361 周沛陽 - Google Docs

網際網路應用系統設計 期末報告 電子四丙 9326361 周沛陽 - Google Docs



2008年6月22日 星期日

Lab Testing User Interface

kFor housing services, compare the three websites




List the differences in the user interface design and usability. Make commentsby your use experiences.


美感: houseing map就只是單純的一張地圖沒啥美感,urmap一堆文字美感很差,7house藉著許多廣告增添許多色彩。
直覺性:houseing map一看就知道再找房子的,7house廣告有點多,看了一下才知道用途,urmap一開始以為只是找路的地圖。
流暢: 無庸置疑一定是housing對流暢,另外7house還可以一次訂下所有條件也算是個優點,urmap一點都不流暢,難使用。
預期反應: housing比較適合租屋者,條件比較寬鬆,最主要是價格跟地點。7house比較適合購屋者,條件比較多。Urmap很難使用。

Lab Site Traffic Metrics

1. Enter Sitemeter.
2. Put a Sitemeter in your own blog.
2. Check the site meter to see the daily traffic chart, the recent visitors by locations.

Lab Web Stress Test

1. Download Stress Test

2. Take a look at the user manual.

3. Test a static page.Try combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers to simulate 10 users and 100 users.

4. Test a dynamic page.Try combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers to simulate 10 users and 100 users.

5. Compare the response time of both pages and explain why.

2008年6月19日 星期四

Lab Google Mars (AJAX)

1. Observe how Google Mars loads the map and does the zooming. Is the data downloaded oncefor all or retrieved on demand?
ans: retrieved on demand

2. HTML alone cannot perform the functions of Google Mars. So find out which code in the HTMLsource does the map things.

Hints: You may use Nvu to determine what HTML tags are for what.

Lab Simple Use of Web Service

"we make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"

Test Drive a web service
1. Take a look at the schema of Zip Code Web Service.
2. Use the lincense key eUhOTOJs9D2mcHU6SiL0CyMQvpJ3I3PqR2/fpRq4BOApWxzSzw7wD2FQ2mOmHEk+pq6iRBomQ4wuQl5EGOgfCitYgkQ3N4vl
to use this web service or subsbcribe to it at Zip codes lookup To apply for the license key by yourselves, be sure to have an email box to receive it.
2. Click GetPlacesInside and play with this operation
3. Enter 61801 as zip code and see what you get in the result.
4. Try again 92345 as zip codeQuestion:
Why do you need a license key to use the service?

Homework 6-7-2008

Content analysis做完之後,請針對分析數字結果,給予適當詮釋,背後的現象是什麼? (至少100字)
ans: Total:118
C : 16 (13.559%)
R : 94 (79.661%)
U : 8 (6.780%)
A : 67 (56.780%)
D : 14 (11.864%)
M : 37 (31.356%)
E : 37 (31.356%)
P : 79 (66.949%)
N : 2 (1.695%)

Lab Packet Sniffer

1. Install Protocol Analyzer Ethereal at http://www.wireshark.org/
2. Capture the packets at your Ethernet interface card.
3. Enter a login required website that you often go to, such as web mail. Don't use the real account or password.
4. Try to catch the packet that contains the password.


1. Try Yam membership enrollmentfor using SSL encrypted Internet communications.

2. Note the lock at the lower right corner is secured when SSL is enabled.

3. Click the lock icon and a message window should pop up.

4. What kind of encryption is used in this SSL? How many bits are there in the encryption key?
ans : MIS 128
5. Who issued the certificate you are seeing? (Who is the certificate authority, CA, for this website?)
ans : UTN-USERFirst-Hardware
6. Until when is the certificate valid?
ans : 時效3年
7. What kind(s) of hash is/are used in the CA's digital signature?
ans : SHA1 , MD5
8. How many bits are there in the hash(es)?
ans : 128

Lab Hash

1. Install SlavaSoft HashCalc
2. Open the file readme.txt of this software
3. Calculate the cash.
4. Open another copy of HashCalc
5. Open the file readme.txt and delete the first space fo the file.
6. Calculate the hash of the modified file.
7. Compare the hashes of two files

Lab Checking dead links

W3C Link Check 可以檢查 dead links, 而且只要輸入首頁,就可以依據指定深度自動向下檢查, 而且也可以檢查對外連結(外站).Link Checker 首先要設定檢查深度(Check linked documents recursively, recursion depth=?), 如果沒有設定, 它就只有檢查首頁.因此如果出現 deadlink, 就是在首頁.如果你設定檢查深度, 它就會逐一檢查此深度內的每一頁,在檢查某一頁開始時, 它會先顯示現正在檢查的 URL, 然後在逐一爬行該頁內每個 link.報表輸出很漂亮. 請參閱http://validator.w3.org/checklink請檢查三個你最常使用的網站, 看看連結的品質如何?紀錄有錯誤連結 (HTTP Error 404) 的次數.




Lab XHTML Validation

1. Use the W3C Markup Validation Service to check the XHTML sample.
2. You may want to select the direct input option.
3. How many errors and warnings are there?
4. Fix the problem and recheck it until it is strictly XHTML 1.0 compliant.

2008年6月16日 星期一

Lab Java Constructor

Use Display 4.14 to call 4.13 (2nd ed.) or
Display 4.12 to call 4.11 (1st ed.).

After you finish the above, try the following

Date birthday = new Date("Jan",1,2000);

birthday=new Date("Mar",1,2000);

Lab Overloading

Do Display 4.11

Lab ADT, accessor, mutator

Define a Complex class and write an object oriented program to compute (2+3i)+(4+5i) in Java.The methods should include an access and a mutator.

Homework 5-19-2008

1. Do Temperature Project, which is Project 7 (3rd, 2nd ed.) or Project 3 (1st ed.).

Lab Magic Parking Tower

A parking tower is out of order someday. If you park a Benz, you will end up with a Torben. Write a program to simulate this scenario. First create a class called CarParked which has a static method called outOfOrder. Name an object called yourCar, which happens to be a Benz. Your program should contain a class called CarParked and a test program called CarParkedDemo which test the method by CarParked.outOfOrder(yourCar).

Hint: You may study Display 5.14 to get some ideas.

Lab Static method

Define a Complex class with a static method for computing complex addition. Use (2+3i)+(4+5i) in your test.

Homework 6-02-2008

lab Fraction equality test

Write a program to implement a method that can check whether 2 fractions are equal. You will implement a class called Fraction consisting of a numerator and a denominator. The equality test of 2 fractions should return a boolean value.

Use the following as the tests.

1/2, 2/4
5/6, 6/7


Fraction f1, f2;

lab Fraction Addition

Write a program to implement a method that can do additions of 2 fractions. You will implement a class called Fraction consisting of a numerator and a denominator. The additions of2 fractions should be equal to a fraction.Use 1/2+1/3 as the test.

lab counter

Class Definition 3

Do Display 4.7 (3rd, 2nd ed.) or 4.5 (1st ed.). Then use Display 4.8 to call 4.7.

In Display 4.7, if the method setDate has the parameter as setDate(int month, int day, int year), what kind of changes should be made in its body of codes?