2008年5月16日 星期五

New stuff with Microsoft

In the Harry Shum's keynote speech at WWW 2008 and one of the industrial tracks by Tao, Microsoft feature the following two search services, one called virtual earth and the other photosynth. They look like fun. Definitely, we should try them out.
http://maps.live.com (does not only provide satellite image which is low resolution but also aerial views taken by airplanes flight-by)
http://www.labs.live.com/photosynth/ (it's an amazing way to view the photos people took and
ans: published on the net)ANS:總覺得用起來還是google map 比較好用,微軟的3Dmap優點是可以從不同的角度看圖,且能夠清楚的看到建築物的造型,是真實的照片。缺點是網路頻寬要求高,若速度不夠會相當的花時間。google的map雖然沒有各種的角度圖,也不能放大到太近的距離。但相對的比較不花時間,可以快速的搜尋,兩者所強調的不同,一個是著重在品質,一個是著重在迅速。
